"Deep Impact" is the one of Hollywood movies tittle. This movie tell about natural disaster that is caused by the earth was hit by meteor fragments. This impact can cause another natural disasters such as earthquake and "big giant" waves (tsunami)
Is it really true that some meteor fragments can hit the earth ? According to "astrophysic teory", planets, stars, commets, meteors have their own orbits. But how come the fragments of meteors can crash the earth ? There were scientific eveidences that the earth was often hit by meteor fragments. Some scientists believe that meteor impact was ended the dynosaurus era.
Shoemaker - Levy is the one of big meteor that have crashed Jupiter. You can imagine if the giant meteor like Shoemaker - Levy crash the earth. What will happen ? NASA indicated that there are big meteor fragments that will pass through near the earth. The meteor name is Schwassmann - Wachmann.
From http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/24mar_73p.htm I got the information that Astronomer Paul Wiegert at the University of Western Ontario has studied the possibility:
"We believe the cloud is expanding too slowly to reach Earth only eleven years after the break-up," he says, "but it all depends on what caused the comet to fly apart—and that we don't know."
"The most likely explanation is thermal stress, with the icy nucleus cracking like an ice cube dropped into hot soup: the comet broke apart as it approached the Sun after a long sojourn the frigid outer solar system," he explains. "If this is truly what happened, then the debris cloud should be expanding slowly, and there will be no strong meteor shower."
From the picture (download from http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2006/24mar_73p.htm), we know that the Schwassmann - Wachmann's orbit is near with earth's orbit in the end of May 2006. The distance is about 0.11 AU. It is quit near if we compare with another meteor that have passed through to the earth.
Some people that believe in UFO and extraterestrial experience claimed that they have got telepathy message from alien. The message containt the information that there will be a big tsunami in 26 May 2006. This tsunami will be caused by Schwassmann - Wachmann meteor crash with the earth.
So, what will we do ? which one of them that we will believe in ? It depends on us. If we just try to make it simple, just forget it. But if we want to think about it clearly, there are many lessons that we can get.
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